
目前顯示的是 3月, 2019的文章

A Local Dish For Foreigners

I am sure that many of you have heard and eaten this dish before- Tomato fly egg. Many of Asian, for example of Taiwanese and Hong Kong citizens usually have Tomato fly egg for launch and dinner. You can also say it is a traditional dish. However, there are different recipe at different home. Some families will peel off the skin of the tomato if they have more time to cook. Some people will put ham mix with eggs. Those recipe can also see how those family flavor. My grandmother loves sweet, so she oven add sugar inside. My mother usually put peppers inside the dish for dressing. Because I love the taste of pepper. And I also love the version of my mother and my grandmother. It are also delicious. This dish is not only delicious, but also easy to make. That is why many people always make Tomato fly egg. Firstly, you need to wash the tomato clearly. You can choose if you want to peel the skin or not. Secondly, beat the egg carefully and put it inside a bowl. Thirdly, Heat two sp...

If I were the teacher

When I am small, I was very interested the job of tutorial teacher. Because you can choose part time, full time and you can choose what subject you want to teach. I had a Math tutorial teacher when I am a form 3 student. By the way, I hate Math a lot, this is the subject I never want to learn. However, I become more interest after I met that Math teacher. In school, teachers teaching is very boring. The thing he did is only give us the question sheet and told us the answer. In that period, I am really feel hopeless. Because of I could not follow the school schedule. But I am scared to ask the teacher. At that time, I met my tutorial teacher. he is really nice and passionate person. My Math level is really low, but he did not get angry for once. He will wait me until I finished the full steps. If there are some missing, he will tell me to make it correct. Because of his remind, I know that I had a lot of careless mistake, than I need to check once or twice. And I always follow his r...

My imagination of robots and future world

In my own imagination, robots will become a kind of tool for helping people work in the future. I think we will not living in the earth in the future, because we will have high technologies, so that we can live inside the spaceship, and move to another place in order to find a new land. I think you guys must know a movie that call Wall-E. It is a famous movie which is about future and robots. I love this movie very much, because it give me many imagination about future. In this movie, earth did not have any animals and people, there is only garbage left in the earth. Human live in a big spaceship, human are all fat so they need wheelchair and the work and clean almost did by robots. And I think that robot will become popular, everyone at least have one at home in the future. I think cleaning robot is the most cute and helpful robot, it can change our life effectively. Also because I am very lazy. I need a robot to help me do all the housework so that I can do my homework and ...

What kind of a parent I will be

Actually, I really cannot imagine I will become someone's mother one day in the future. In this winter vocation, I went back Hong Kong. I looked at my mother's hair, I felt very painful from my heart. So many white hair in her head. I think back, I am already 19 years old. My mother has nurtured me about 19 years old. In these years, she never had a nice make up on her face, she also seldom hangout with her friends. Because she needs to take care my younger sister and me. She always gives us the best thing in this world. My mother told me how to be kind to people. She teaches what is polite and respect. Although we do not have much money, she still adhere to eat outside when someone's birthday.  I think I will become a mother likes my mother. How much she loves me, how much I love my children. Even I will feel very tired, I get many stress from my company, I will also cook for my kids, I will take care them just like my mother do for me. I will give them many freedo...